A mix of agencies have established guidelines for pool operators to follow as a means of keeping their swimming pool facilities safe. There have also been laws adapted that must be followed by public pools. As a resource, we are glad to provide details on some of these agencies:

Health Department – Provides swimming pool operating permits, conducts inspections, sets supervision/operational limits etc.

The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) – Enforces the SARA Title III law which requires you to have a plan on how to respond to spills of hazardous chemicals.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) – Requires Safety Data Sheets for every chemical stored and used in commercial applications. EVERY chemical, including swimming pool chemicals, cleaning products, paints etc. The Safety Data Sheets should be posted near the chemical storage area and available to all employees at no cost to them. The Safety Data Sheets must be kept on file for at least 30 years after the last use of the chemical.

Consumer Safety Product Commission (CSPC) – Provides guidelines for Safety Barrier for Home Pools and entrapment Hazards. The CSPC also provides an evaluation of Swimming Pool Alarms.

Department of Justice(DOJ) – Enforces the Americans with Disabilities Act which requires your facility to maintain accessibility for individuals with disabilities. This includes for example ramps, ADA Lifts and special bathrooms.

Centers for Disease Control(CDC) – Provides guidelines for controlling and eliminating hazardous microbiological organisms which could be found in feces, diarrhea discharge, vomit, blood and contaminated water.

National Fire Protection Association(NFPA) – Provides the “Hazard Diamond” which displays the hazards in a chemical storage room as a means to prevent fires & electrical hazards.

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